Saturday, February 1, 2014

It's February!

Wow, February 1st. I cannot believe it. Our daughter is due THIS MONTH. 19 days until her date to be exact, not that I am counting on it, I recently read only 3% of babies are born on their due date. So she will be here sometime this month, I'm sure. Who knows exactly when.

If my platelet recheck had dropped yesterday she was going to come out today. But, luckily, they are not changing. They are still low, but they haven't fallen further. I am currently full of 81,000 platelets. The epidural is still questionable, but I have had some great support given to me by good friends and am feeling more empowered to experience birth naturally. I. Can. Do. It.

We just got home from a picnic at the park thanks to this weird 60-70 degree northern California weather. I have never had a picnic on February 1st before and it was quite a treat. I definitely feel like I'm "nesting" as I turned "doing the dishes" into removing everything from the kitchen counters and scrubbing them. I plan to clean the fridge later today too. All in good time between playing with the girls and getting my feet up. It is amazing how tired I get after one little task.

In the midst of platelet worries I got to spend some time with friends last week. One day a pedicure and lunch with two great girls, and lunch with another the next day. It was a delight and I felt spoiled. Baby girl is still getting gifts so there is always something to wash and get put away in anticipation of her arrival.

Contractions are happening all the time now. Some are painful but most are not. I am 75% effaced, which means my cervix is almost all the way "thinned out" and Dr expects I will start dilating soon. My hope for the end of this pregnancy is that labor begins when my body is ready. I hope the platelets continue to hold (we're checking them weekly) so that she can grow until she's ready to come out.

Other than that, I'm just trying to enjoy every moment of her moving and hiccuping inside me. I definitely think I will miss being pregnant. I have enjoyed it, even with its odd symptoms and bumps along the way. Creating a human is truly an amazing thing and I am so blessed to of gotten the opportunity. A few friends have announced their pregnancies recently and I find myself both relieved that I am almost done but envious at the journey ahead of them, it is… oh so special.

A friend sent this to me in light of my very near journey into mothering a newborn, and I love it. Click hear to read.

Yep, just used the wrong form of here but the kids are yelling at each other down stairs so I'm just going to publish… haha.

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