Sunday, March 4, 2012

We've been matched

Sorry for not updating sooner. Let me recap you on the events that led my husband and I to our two little girls. Yes, I said, TWO.
On Wednesday, 2/22/12, at 12:30 pm I got an email saying that our homestudy was now live on the database state wide so that all social workers in the state could see it. We were officially in child search. At 1:30pm I got a call from our social worker. She had a placement that she wanted to present to us. Wow. Talk about fast. Anyway, remember that I cannot give out too much information, as the internet is a public place and I don't want to get my self into trouble.
All I am going to say is that on Friday morning, a mere 46 hours later, we brought two pre-school age girls home. They are sisters, and only a year apart.
They are healthy, vibrant, good natured kids. They are exactly what we prayed for.

The girls have been home for a week now. They have settled in well. They are eating well, sleeping well, and arguing with eachother. Apparently sibling rivalry is big at this age. Jeez. Really, I think it's payback because my sister and I fought all the time. My mom is coming to visit and she is going to just giggle at my frustration with their arguing.

I cannot tell you at what moment I knew they were meant to be ours. I don't really remember getting this feeling of "those are my daughters" when I met them. But, I do know that I couldn't imagine being a mommy to anyone else. The other day we were driving in the car and one of them said, "mommy, can you put lady gaga on?" That was pretty clear for me. I am a lady gaga fan, so I thought, honey, you are my child. I think the main thing is that it brings me to tears when they call me mommy. When they climb up on my lap and hug me. When I tell them I love them and they kiss my cheek. These are my da. I want them to have the best mommy and daddy iughters.

There is a peace that comes with it. I am no longer desperate to become a mommy. I have two daughters.

So I guess this blog is now going to be about parenting. It went from infertility and conception, to adoption, to mommyhood. And I couldn't be happier about it!

I would also like to extend a big THANK YOU to all the people who helped me get the necessities together in the short two day prep time I had. Everyone came through and gave me what I needed. Carseats, books, toys, clothes, toddler bed, mattress, and one late night trip to target for a few more items. You all pulled together and I'm so grateful.


  1. OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am so happy for you! What a busy and exciting time for you and hubby. I wish you nothing but the best, and your girls are so lucky to have you as their mommy!!!

  2. So thrilled for you. I'm beyond words. I know there will be tough days ahead still, but I know your heart is bursting and that is where it will stay. I can't wait to read your parenting blog!! I'm so happy your "wait" was super fast (in terms of after approval).

  3. That was super fast! Congrats and best wishes! you will be great!
