Tomorrow is Mothers Day. It's a day that makes me happy, grateful, and sad all at the same time. But, instead of letting the green monster of jealousy, or the blue monster of sadness take over I am grateful for all that I have; some of the most supportive friends in the world, a great mom, aunt, grandmother, all of whom deserve a "Happy Mother's Day" in my book, they've all come together to help me grow!
I get to watch many of my girlfriends be amazing mothers to their children, they have taught me so much without even knowing it, and I am so grateful. Though, I do hope to join the ranks soon. I feel as if I am a mother already, I nourish my body to support any potential baby, I do yoga to keep my spirit calm, I even talk with my ovaries sometimes about sending my husband an I a great egg to meet up with his sperm and make a baby.
Someone I know shared this with me recently, one of her friends who is on her way to motherhood found a very creative way to tell friends and family that she and her husband were expecting.
Please watch:
I always think of great ways to tell people when I finally get to make the announcement that our little one is on the way. If I get to announce it by 4th of July I want to attach an American flag to my little one's ultrasound photo and say something cute like, "God Bless America.....and our little one arriving (insert month) 2012." Another good one is to take a picture of my husband and I in matching clothes or something cheesy and do the old "matching t-shirts: 25 dollars, ordering photos: 3 dollars, knowing there are actually 3 people in this picture, priceless." That would be fun too, right?
If you are a mother, Happy Mothers Day, if you want to become a mother, sticky baby dust to you. May all our dreams come true!
But for now, find what you already have and hold onto it, here's a quote my mom gave me:
"Life is too short to live with regrets, so love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones that don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grasp it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."
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